Wedding Photography – What you get.

Hi! I’m Shannon. Wife, mama to two, and wedding photographer. Today I want to cover some of my most frequently asked questions when it comes to wedding photography, and discuss what you can expect from me as your wedding photographer!

1. What packages/pricing do you offer?

I currently offer three packages that can be customized to fit your day. Below is a basic rundown of the packages I offer.

Package one is 3 hours of coverage and would be ideal if you’re interested in coverage of just the ceremony. A typical 3 hour package for me would include first looks, portraits of the bride and groom, wedding party, and family, and of course coverage of the ceremony.

Package two is 6 hours of coverage and would be ideal if you want most of your day covered, but not all of it. For example, a typical 6 hour package for me would either include the bride and groom getting ready at the beginning of the day or the reception at the end of the day. This package will not allow enough time to capture both the beginning and end of the day. The “detail photos” are also captured during the getting ready portion of the day, so keep that in mind if detail shots are important to you!

2. How do I get my images?

I deliver all images digitally via an easy to navigate gallery online. You can download your images to your phone one at a time or to your computer or laptop all at once in a zipped file. There is no additional charge from me for images and I do not print them. I do always recommend printing from Mpix.

3. Can I have two photographers?

I typically work alone, and its totally possible to capture every moment still! I usually spend most of my morning with the girls, because the guys don’t like to get ready too early and it works! If you are still interested in having 2 photographers though, its something we can discuss!

4. Do I need engagement photos?

I highly, highly recommend choosing the same photographer for your engagement and wedding photos. I say this because you don’t want to be working with a stranger on one of the most important days of your life. If we have a chance to get to know each other during your engagement session we both go into the wedding day knowing what to expect! I am not a stand there and smile kind of photographer. I wont tell you exactly how to tilt your head or where to put your hand. But I will ask you to whisper your favorite vegetable into your partners ear, nuzzle into her neck and purr like a cat, or give her a piggy back ride while trying to twerk her off of your back. I live for those real laughs and natural movements, but I do understand thats not what everyone wants and its nice to figure that out before the big day!

5. How many photos can I expect?

The number of photos you will receive will depend on the package chosen and number of hours covered. You can expect about 50 photos an hour.

And those are my most commonly asked questions! Thanks for reading, and please feel free to contact me with any other questions you may have!

– Shannon

Wednesday’s with Maci

Today was my favorite Wednesday so far (I know we’re only 3 Wednesday’s in AND I didn’t even blog last Wednesday yet – but I loved today!)

Maci called the shots today. This morning she woke up and asked if she could have some of that “coco-melon” – what? She meant pineapple, so we started the day slicing the pineapple (something neither Maci or I knew how to do). It got a little wild.

“Look mom, its on my head!”

After we cleaned the pineapple mess up I told her it was our adventure day, and she could pick where we went! I gave her some choices, but she said she wanted to have a picnic and watch the airplanes.

We packed her bag full of little toys, her lunch, and of course her phone and sunglasses and headed out the door. I was a little skeptical about the airport trip. I mean, how much fun is there actually to be had at the Sikeston airport?

The ansewr, SO MUCH FUN! She loved every second of it and so did I! There is a little shaded area behind the airport with big comfy red chairs and a front row view of the airplanes. Maci sat there and watched them for 2 hours! We didn’t get to see the big plane behind her take off, but we watched them fuel it up and park it. Then we watched a Cessna land, fuel, and take off again. And we got to see a crop duster take off too! Maci begged to ride in one but I told her we had to buy a ticket and they cost a lot of money. She said “Ok, well let’s go get some money!” I have got to get this little girl up in a plane!

She made a new best friend while we were there – Mr. Tony, the airplane lineman. He was so good with her and answered any questions she had. He even let us watch the Cessna I mentioned take off on the runway and showed us what the hangers look like. Maci was in awe. I didn’t get many pictures at the airport because the moment was too good to watch from behind a camera, but he made sure we knew that we were welcome any time and said he hoped to see us again, so maybe next time I will get some shots of her next to a big airplane!

Happy Wednesday! – Shannon + Maci

Wednesday’s with Maci (And Molly and Abygail)

Many of you have loved my 365 photos of Maci, but honestly I take way more than one photo a day so I have decided to start a “Wednesday’s with Maci” blog! Yay! Every Wednesday Maci and I are going to go on an adventure and we will come here to share it with you!

We will talk about fun (kid friendly AND budget friendly) things that you can do with your kiddo this summer in Southeast Missouri. Today we spent a whopping $3 on ice cream and water, and we were entertained all day long!

This morning we got to meet the most precious little girl. My friends Cara and Terry welcomed their little girl, Abygail, into the world last night so Maci and I went to take some “fresh 48” photos for her! And we loved every minute of it. Maci wanted to hold her so bad, but mama (Me. Maci’s mama. The mama of the crazy two year old.) was worried so she just got to look at her. How sweet is she?!

After we were finished visiting Miss Abygail, we went for our picnic! I packed a lunch to make this more of a budget friendly day and Maci loved the idea of a picnic so it was a win win. I kept our food cold in a cooler in the car this morning and it worked well! I did forget to pack drinks though, so we had to buy some water.

Yes, we played with our food. Yes, I know little girls are supposed to have better manners. But her grown family members still laugh at burps and farts so we might just struggle in the “good manners” department until she’s old enough to know what’s acceptable at home and what’s acceptable in public.

Next stop, Discovery Playhouse! Maci’s great grandma gave her some money for Christmas this year so we bought a Discovery Playhouse membership with it! She LOVES that place, and since we have a membership it goes on our budget friendly summer activity list!

The baby nursery area is super cute! They have doctors coats, hospital gowns, doctor tools, and (Maci’s favorite) babies! She loves to check on them and make them feel better. She didn’t play with the babies as long as she usually does today though. She really enjoyed dressing up like a fire fighter! It is so much fun for me to watch her pretend play skills develop. She was taking “emergency calls” today and rushing to the “fire.” Her facial expressions were the best. She would go from super serious to the “its an emergency” face. She took emergency call after emergency call and put out fire after fire.


Our last stop of the day was Simply Swirled. We spent $2 on our ice cream! We don’t eat much and they charge by weight so, you guessed it, budget friendly! We met baby Molly and her mama there. Molly didn’t like me today AT ALL, but she still loves Maci. And Maci loves her “little bitty tiny” toes.


Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s adventure!

Shannon + Maci

The Lutz Family

A Style Guide for Shannon Williams Spring Families

I am often asked “What should we wear?”, and I usually recommend creams and earthy tones because thats always safe, but this is how you do it. Creams and earthy tones…and a good bold pattern! These colors compliment each other beautifully and they all tie in together with the pattern in moms dress.

Pinterest is a lifesaver when it comes to choosing a look for your family photos, but if its too overwhelming (way too many options – I don’t make decisions well) then here are some helpful tips!

  • Find your (mom) outfit first! As a mom, I totally get that it’s more fun to dress your kids then it is to dress yourself. I hardly ever buy clothes for myself anymore – Maci’s stuff is so much more fun to shop for and she looks cute in everything so it’s easy. But, if you’re trying to coordinate for family photos start with yourself. You want to look your best and feel great, so find an outfit that makes you feel beautiful and confident! Spoil yourself and get that outfit you’ve been wanting, then coordinate everyone else around you!
  • If you go with a bold print like this family, it’s best that everyone else wears a solid color that ties into the print. You’ll want to coordinate your colors, but avoid putting everyone in the same color.
  • You’ll want to avoid big logos, characters, and neon colors. They draw attention away from the face and we want the focus to be on your beautiful faces!
  • Choose something that you are comfortable enough to move around in. I may ask you to sit on the ground for some poses!
  • Keep your location in mind! Something a little more dressy may look best in a city or downtown area, where something a little more casual may look best in a park/field.
  • Don’t forget about accessories and shoes! They can be easily overlooked.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to plan outfits.
  • If you’re feeling stuck and need some help feel free to ask me!

Sarah did a wonderful job choosing outfits for her family. We had so much fun and they smiled and laughed the whole time! They even got to go out for ice cream afterward!

Location: Forest Park St. Louis, MO

Mr. + Mrs. Crumley

Sometimes you get a shot that you love. You love it so much that you think about it all day. You can’t wait to get home and edit it. It gives you life and makes you remember why you do what you do.

This WHOLE DAY was like that.

Sydney and Caleb’s day couldn’t have been more perfect. There were some missing suspenders…and two right shoes, but we made it work. No, we didn’t just make it work…we nailed it.

Sydney got ready this morning at her parents beautiful home, in her old bedroom. How sweet to incorporate the home you grew up in into your wedding day? When I first met Sydney and Caleb they told me that they thought about a destination wedding, but they felt getting married in their hometown would be a little more special to them. I think they were right in that decision. They spent the day surrounded by family and friends, sharing stories and marriage tips. Actually, my favorite quote of the day stems from a marriage tip that was given. Ever heard of an onion butt? “He says I got a onion butt…looks so good it brings a tear to his eye. If I walk by and he doesn’t smack my butt I get offended.”…and that’s the type of marriage you want to have. #goals

Hair and makeup: Haley Jones & Kara Davis

I mentioned earlier some missing suspenders and two right shoes. Let it be known that that wasn’t the girls (as someone mentioned in their best man speech tonight). Once we found a left and right shoe, and someone gave up their suspenders we got some shots of the guys. They had a lot of fun with their photos, but I’ll let Caleb share those later.

Sydney didn’t care about the shoes or the suspenders, or really many of the little details. She said “I’m ready to go get my man.” And she did. I wish them the happiest of years ahead.

Thanks for the amazing day!


Bedroom Makeover


My husband went on a fishing trip over spring break, so I decided to surprise him with a bedroom makeover! I don’t claim to be any good at decorating my home, and I am actually pretty hesitant to make any major changes, but I went all in on this one. I knew I wanted something bright and white that would be perfect for pictures! Some of my favorite pictures are of Maci sleeping or jumping on my bed.






I already had this bench at the foot of my bed and it is definitely my most favorite piece of furniture that we own. I wanted to stick with the style of the bench so I ordered a headboard to match. I got the headboard from amazon for just $75! This was a bedroom makeover on a budget and even though the headboard was cheap, the reviews for this headboard were great so I ordered it! I am so glad I went with this one, the fabric is nice and it matches the bench perfectly.












Once I had the headboard and I knew I liked it, I started painting. Oh painting…I spent all day Thursday painting. My father in law came and helped me and we got it finished in a few hours. My arms were sore (I know, I’m a cry baby) and I definitely didn’t feel like painting any more rooms any time soon. And then the paint dried yellow. I hated it. So, I spent the day Friday repainting. The second color is the color I stuck with and I love it! It’s called “intense white” and in person it looks like a very light gray.


While the paint dried I started shopping. The fun part! I love a good deal so I shopped around a lot and ended up finding the perfect end tables at Hobby Lobby for just $27 a piece! They have a beautiful design painted on the tops and they’re exactly what I was looking for. They add a little something to an all white room. The mirrors came from Hobby Lobby too, and they were marked down to half off so they were $20 a piece! Score.


I splurged on the lamps, but they were the perfect color and height and I just couldn’t leave them behind. They came from Lowes.

And today the final piece came in! I ordered a sweet sign from Smallwood Homes that reads “The most wonderful thing I decided to do was share my life and heart with you.”


And it couldn’t be more true.

Angela + Kyle

I like to prompt my couples to get real emotion and movement, so if you’ve booked a session with me be prepared for my silly prompts that are almost always guaranteed to make you laugh! Here I told him to nuzzle in and sniff her neck.

Here it is guys, my very first blog post, and I couldn’t have chosen a more beautiful couple!

I spent the afternoon (while Maci napped) finishing their session, and dreaming about starting a blog. I had no idea how to start a blog, so I just dove right in and here we are. It was actually pretty simple, so if you’ve been dreaming about blogging go for it!

Angela emailed me back in October, full of questions (ps. I love it when brides have lots of questions! It shows me that they’re invested in their search for the right photographer.) and ready to start the booking process. We immediately scheduled an engagement session but then had to reschedule…twice! This day wasn’t looking promising either. It had rained all morning, and was raining when I left for their session. We were determined though, rain or shine, we weren’t going to reschedule again. Luckily, the clouds parted, the sun came out, and we were able to capture these beautiful images before it started raining on us again. Props to my little sister for letting me know how beautiful the Lewis and Clark campus is! I mean, look at this place!

Her ring…GORGEOUS. Round diamond solitaire with a gold band – what more could a girl want? Besides, of course, a sweet fiancĂ© to go along with it! I think she’s got both!

These two were naturals and after their engagement session I am even more excited for their October 2019 wedding! Congratulations Angela + Kyle.